He confronts misinformation in social media about the academic study of the Bible. His formal academic areas of expertise include cognitive linguistics and the cognitive science of religion.
[tiktok] [podcast] [twitter] [wikipedia]
Has lots of impressive stuff to his name. He focuses on textual criticism of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the origins and development of early Christianity.
[tiktok] [youtube] [blog] [podcast] [wikipedia]
Received a PhD in biblical interpretation from Chicago Theological Seminary. He currently teaches classes on biblical ethics and Christian theology.
[tiktok] [youtube] [instagram] [interviews] [linktree]
Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Central Methodist University. He's written several books and articles on religion, ethics, and politics.
[tiktok] [youtube] [politicaltheology.com] [website]
There's more in the comments section of this TikTok video.
hermeneutics.stackexchange.com is the StackExchange site for discussions of Biblical hermeneutics.
Also judaism.stackexchange.com and christianity.stackexchange.com.