I cannot endorse the "50 protests in 50 states" event announced for tomorrow.
(editor's note — these were the so-called "50501 protests" scheduled for Feb 5)
Look, I get the desire to protest. We are in a very dangerous moment in our country and that means what I am saying about standards for assessing protests is EVEN MORE IMPORTANT.
One thing I know is that protests like this have to be very carefully organized to achieve the intended effects. In particular, there has to be a clear, unified message communicated ahead of time, so that people can distinguish real efforts from bad actors. This protest does not do that.
The leadership needs to identify themselves so people will know who to look to for clarity when there will be miscommunication and active propaganda to discredit the protest and its intentions. This protest does not do that.
Having a clear agenda and timetable for the protest is vital, so that there can be the most focus possible on making the protest actually work and the message amplified as much as possible. Not having an agenda makes it very clear that nobody knows what is going to happen and what is expected for attendees. Who is going to speak? What is their message? What is their standing in their community? Why should we listen to them or believe what they are saying? This protest does not do that.
Because of all that, I cannot in good conscience encourage anyone to go.
(this comment received 49 'likes', from a lot of people who I don't know, who were almost entirely white)