apps > +gender > .dot
document updated 10 years ago, on Jun 18, 2013
==== pros ====

- It means you're no longer *forced* to disclose your transness, and then deal with people's
  transphobia,  in lots of situations.  If you want to, that's your choice, but at least you have
  the choice, instead of being automatically outed:

        - swimming
        - having sexy times
        - medical situations where they're just examining you from the outside
                    (ambulance, emergency room, etc)
        - going to jail
                (though Maryland v. King ruled that taking people's DNA during booking is totally
        - god forbid, if I were ever raped

==== cons ====

- it would seal-the-deal regarding having a biological child
        (unless I go off hormones for a while, and see if I can spermbank)
- surgical complications are certainly possible
- what if I change my mind?