apps > +gender > .dot
document updated 13 years ago, on Feb 9, 2011

==== not quite ready yet ====

I feel like I'm nearing the stage where I might be able to date broadly, but I'm not quite able to
date yet.  I feel like this is a very risky stage, because there have been quite a few products that
are ANNOUNCED that they'll be released, far too early, and that ends up damaging the product in the
long run.

        (other pages that are perhipherally related, that may be useful if I decide to dig into this


Okay, maybe some of the above links sound too abstract or too selfish.

But I think it IS a concrete problem, and a pretty clear one at that.  When I joined GQC, there came
a point where people started really flirting with me.  Each person only flirted for a short period,
just to test the waters.  In each case, I wasn't willing to flirt back.

Did they take it that I was unavailable then?

I don't want people to test the waters too soon.  I really am not ready yet.

This is directly akin to [[open beta testing]].  The risk there is that the broader public gets a
negative view of the product.  When people get too early of a glimpse of the product while it's
under development, they may form initial impressions of the product that are overly negative,
because the product isn't nearly finalized yet.

==== debut ====

I feel like I need some clear and unambiguous signals that I've reached my "formal product release".

One of the clearest signals that a significant shift has occurrred in someone's life (funeral,
religious renewal, etc) is when they change their outward appearance.  (eg. shaving your head, to
signal mourning over the death of a parent)

It just so happens that my field is DIRECTLY related to outward appearance changes.

==== segmented development ====

There have been some top-secret projects developed throughout history, where absolute secrecy was
maintained by ensuring that no one person knew the entirety of the project.

A great example of this:

I can do the same thing, by developing different parts of my outward appearance over time, and
particularly by keeping each aspect of my appearance segmented to specific groups.

==== segments that have been particularly successful ====

- the fauxhawk wig that I bought from "Transformations By Rori" in Arlington Heights

        [restricted to:;  Andy;  Charlie and Noah]

- hand-made earrings, from ~16 gauge wire?