apps > +gender > .dot
document updated 14 years ago, on Nov 1, 2009
The very short version:

        If a man dresses androgynously, society jumps to conclusions right away.
        But if a woman dresses androgynously, it can mean several different things.

Very short answers to questions:

        Are you gay?
                I usually find women more attractive than men.

The short version:

I mainly cross-dress as a fashion statement.

                - women are allowed to wear lots of men's clothes, without it being clear if they're
                  doing it because of 1) who they're ATTRACTED TO, or because of 2) who they
                  VIEW THEMSELVES AS

                - if men wear women's clothes, people always assume it's a statement about who the
                  guy is attracted to

                        - masculinity is viewed as "more useful" than femininity, so it's viewed in
                          a more positive light (more acceptable) if women cross the boundary than
                          if men cross the boundary

        - Women can wear Y-front tighty-whities.  Men can wear pink panties.
          It doesn't matter, IT'S ONLY FABRIC.

- physical identity:        100% genetic male
- sexual orientation:       mostly attracted to females     (though some questions remain)
- gender identity:          Non-binary, fluid.  Androgynous, often masculine, occasionally feminine.
- sexual role:              bottom, maybe switch        (that's the "occasionally feminine" part)