apps > +gender > MRA
document updated 12 years ago, on Jul 21, 2011

MGTOW stands for "men going their own way". It generally means that guys should feel free to do what they want, and not feel constrained by societal expectations. To the extent that this means avoiding masculine stereotypes, that's good. But it goes a lot further than that.

Distancing themselves from traditional notions

"start actually learning that your [female] traditional values are nothing more than a death trap for them [men] so that you can take everything they earn and lavish yourself with trivial desires, before they die...and after."

Avoiding marriage

Chivalry = obligation to protect 'weak' women


Avoiding being an alpha male or hero

[1] [2]

Libertarianism, small government, the system is corrupt

"Presently, men as a demographic in western society are increasingly marginalized, disenfranchised, abused and extorted by western institutions of government, education, employment and law. ... It's the opinion of some men's rights advocated – including myself – that ideological feminism, the doctrine driving this escalated apartheid against men is not a real social movement, but a cultivated tool of economic and political elites – for the purpose of creating a totalitarian society. "

"Men largely want to be left alone to live their lives in freedom. … That is why men do not really care about government. Men do not need it. So men do [not] vote that much. Women love government so women love to vote."

"Men are jailed for producing off-colour comedy, and women are excused for murder. This is where we sit right now. Western law is transforming under the pressure of feminist lobbying into an instrument of apartheid."

"The only people trying to stop it [MRA] before we reach a point of improvised public executions, burning legislature buildings and lamp posts decorated with freshly hung corpses are being routinely and falsely accused of violent criminality by the ideologues pushing for this terrible, brutal outcome."

Advocating violence

"It is never a good idea to pick up a gun and start shooting to address some vaguely defined injustice — that is savagery. Before the American Revolution, for example, patriots took pains to spell out a long list of grievances that justified rebellion. We have to make our own lists, air our grievances, and give the state the opportunity to redress them."

"There are a growing number of men that take Feminist (and ‘official’) dismissal of mens issues as indication that ONLY violent revolution will lead to change."

Avoiding sexual desire altogether

Many MRAs are straight, and are attracted to women. Many try to avoid marriage and even dating. But they're still attracted to women.

Some go as far as to try to avoid being attracted to women. [1] [2] [3]

"Men have so much power that they literally give it away… [by] chasing tail. Biological impulses my ass."

Men don't need women, but women do need men

"Women are financially, physically and emotionally dependant on men so all we need to do is cut them off."