apps > FreeGeek > projects
document updated 14 years ago, on Sep 9, 2009
We use a specially-prepared USB thumb drive to flash gPXE ROMs on our network cards.


When doing this procedure, we use two computers, designated "FLASH" and "DOWNLOAD". These are only conventions for this document, you can use any suitable computer that happens to be available.

DOWNLOAD could be a laptop, it doesn't matter. FLASH must be of a type that the NIC can plug into (ie. a desktop if it's a PCI card, a laptop if it's a PCMCIA NIC)


  1. power down the FLASH computer, and connect the NIC (if it's a desktop, open it up, insert the NIC into a PCI slot)
  2. put the thumbdrive in FLASH, and boot into MS-DOS
  3. put the thumbdrive in DOWNLOAD
  4. put the thumbdrive in FLASH, and boot
  5. on FLASH, boot into normal MS-DOS