document updated 15 years ago, on Nov 22, 2009
- detailed script for adding 'httpfs' to SLAX
- in v6.1.2, the files seem to be located at:
- environment variables
- BASE=slax-6.1.2.iso@@/slax/base/001-core.lzm@@/
- netmods=slax-6.1.2.iso@@/slax/base/001-core.lzm@@/lib/modules/
- slax-6.1.2.iso@@/boot/initrd.gz
- slax-6.1.2.iso@@/boot/initrd.gz@@/lib/modules/ (already there!)
- slax-6.1.2.iso@@/slax/base/001-core.lzm@@/lib/modules/
- slax-6.1.2.iso@@/slax/base/001-core.lzm@@/lib/modules/
- slax-6.1.2.iso@@/slax/base/001-core.lzm@@/bin/fusermount
- slax-6.1.2.iso@@/slax/base/001-core.lzm@@/lib/
- slax-6.1.2.iso@@/slax/base/001-core.lzm@@/bin/httpfs
- I do my work in Ubuntu. The packages you need to `apt-get install` to work with the above include: