apps > autohotkey
document updated 16 years ago, on Mar 28, 2008
I'm trying to find a character that doesn't print as a box when put in a window's title, but nonetheless doesn't show anything.  Semi-useful things so far:

    - chr(32)       Fine as a suffix, but as a prefix, it moves the title over

Things that don't work (display as a square box):
    - chr(143)      (inivisible on 4chan...  not sure what specific font is used there)
    - chr(8)        (backspace)
    - chr(13)
    - chr(10)

Things to try next:

    - You can right-click on the desktop, properties, appearance, advanced, and find out exactly what's configured as the title bar fon.
      For me, it's Tahoma.  I believe the square boxes are displayed whenever a specific font doesn't have that character defined.  So...  the questions are:
            - are there any zero-width characters defined in Tahoma?

#SingleInstance force

nospace := " "


    if (SubStr(title,-2) == nospace . nospace . nospace)
        MsgBox,Sorryall maxed out...  my species only has three fingers.
    else if (SubStr(title,-1) == nospace . nospace)

        MsgBox,This is the third time you hit Windows-H for this specific window.
    else if (SubStr(title,0) == nospace)

        MsgBox,This is the second time you hit Windows-H for this specific window.
    else if (SubStr(title,0) != nospace)

        MsgBox,This is the first time you hit Windows-H for this specific window.


; Append a string to a window's title so we know if our code has already run
    WinGetTitle,title,ahk_id %hwnd%
    title := title . append
    WinSetTitle,ahk_id %hwnd%,,%title%  

; Add a prefix to a window's title so we make sure we only make our changes once
PrefixTitle(hwnd, prefix)
    WinGetTitle,title,ahk_id %hwnd%
    title := prefix . title
    WinSetTitle,ahk_id %hwnd%,,%title%  