apps > bookmarklets
document updated 18 years ago, on Nov 25, 2005

What are they?

Bookmarklets expand the capability of a browser by storing small javascript programs within the browser that can be used at any time, at any site.


Bookmarklets that I've created can be found here.

Tools -- Bookmarklet Presenter

Writing bookmarklets has several downsides. Because maximum URL lengths aren't very long, bookmarklets are usually compressed. This makes them less understandable and maintainable, as well as completely undocumentable. Various tools have been written to address some of these problems. Bookmarklet Presenter is another one. All of the bookmarklets at this site are displayed using it.

It is an offline perl script that converts uncompressed javascript files into html files which include a compressed bookmarklet link and a colored source code listing.

It has been tested on linux. Syntax hilighting is optional but enscript is needed for that.

Bookmarklet Presenter should work on Windows if ActivePerl is installed. A windows port of enscript is also available.


Further information can be found here.