apps > digg
document updated 16 years ago, on Jun 23, 2007
URL experienced:

Summary: Comment style is inconsistent after clicking "Show 51 - 101 of X discussions"

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Go to your profile settings, and change "Comment Threshold and Sort" to "sort by most diggs".
2. View comments for a story that has more than 50 comments.  Observe that the first 50 comments are shown completely flat, with no "Reply to this" links, and no "View 2 replies to this comment (most popular has 2 diggs)" links.
3. Go to the bottom, and click on the "Show 51 - 101 of X discussions" link.  Observe that the new comments now have a "Reply to this" link, and show the "View 2 replies to this comment (most popular has 2 diggs)" expand/collapse link.

I don't know which style is preferred, but the 1-50 comments should have the same style as 51-101 comments.

Note: The same behavior happens if the profile setting is something else, and you temporarily change the page style to "sort by most diggs"...  the behavior is exactly the same.

Status: Submitted at June 22, 2007, midnight CST