apps > genderqueerchicago
document updated 12 years ago, on Jul 6, 2011
I make zero profit on these, the sole goal is to get them into more people's hands. Feel free to print your own or order from a different company.

1" are 50¢ ea
2¼" are 75¢ ea
3" are $1.00 ea

Design Code: 1047090

Design Code: 1047147

Design Code: 1047091

Design Code: 1047092

Design Code: 1047093

Design Code: 1047094

Download the source files here. If you have a button maker available, you can make your own.
My thoughts when creating these:   In cis social situations, someone's gender is ostensibly apparent from looking at them. In some trans social situations, it's common to go around the room and have everyone say their name and preferred pronoun. Perhaps one reason that others don't really understand preferred pronouns is that our gender isn't worn on our sleeves like cis people do? Well... now you can.