document updated 2 years ago, on Sep 14, 2022
ways to use OpenStreetMap data
— a third-party service with excerpts and derived data from the OpenStreetMap dataset available for free download, optionally broken down to the level of countries and sometimes
individual states
documentation for this service
file formats:
.pbf files
— a proprietary binary file format that's highly compressed
OSM XML files
— text, human-readable, but usually bigger than .pbf files even when compressed
official ways to download OpenStreetMap data
weekly-updated dumps of ALL of OpenStreetMap's data
Overpass API
, a read-only API
"permanent links" version of the Overpass API
third-party country and area extracts
interactive maps, web-based
embed HTML in your website
ways to deploy your own "slippy" map
Overpass turbo
— displays the results of an Overpass API query
(TODO — keep exploring the wiki, I believe there are even more options)
interactive maps, other
mobile software
desktop software
GIS software
, includes non-OpenStreetMap tools that may be useful
all of OpenStreetMaps APIs