apps > pumping_station_one > projects > rope_knot_class > class_1
document updated 11 years ago, on Apr 16, 2013
Most of my talks involve throwing a lot of visual media at the attendees.  However, to some extent,
that's something that I could do in any YouTube video.

What's the differentiator, that makes it worth someone's time to actually come to the space and
attend the talk?

Real-life props, that's what.

- a large variety of the types of rope/line/cordage available, to demonstrate the breadth of
  materials available

- a smaller variety of rope that participants can actually practice knots with
        (paracord, UMHWPE, tubular webbing)

- a tripod lashing, possibly set up with a dutch oven above a simulated fire

- my collection of books on ropes / knots

- (possibly, down the road, if I do this talk more often, making it worth the $400+ cost)
  a model of the HMS Victory