apps > wikipedia > technical
document updated 17 years ago, on Dec 11, 2006
I installed according to these instructions:
With MediaWiki v1.8, and WOS v1.1.2.


1. you *have* to specify a password for the database in Mediawiki.  The solution is not to change the root password
    on MySQL (because WOS needs to use it), rather it's to create a new user with a password.  The
    easiest way to do this is to go to http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/, and click on the
    "privaleges" tab.  I use user:wiki  pass:wiki, since it's all local anyway.

2. When you load up phpMyAdmin, it may complain about "Your privilege table structure seems to be older than this MySQL version!".
    To fix this, do the stuff described at:

Quick start, once it's installed:

    subst w: d:\p\wikipedia\server