Use Data::Printer instead of Data::Dumper. It's worth installing.
If you want to display Data::Printer's data to the browser, HTML::FromANSI::Tiny has worked much better for me than HTML::FromANSI has.
ref( $var )
If $var is a blessed object, ref() returns the name of the class that it was blessed as.
Else if $var is a reference to an array/hash/etc, it returns a string of what type it refers to.
Otherwise, if it's not a reference (i.e. it's a scalar), it returns the empty string.
The official manual says that ref()'s output is confusing, and you should instead use either Scalar::Util::blessed() or Scalar::Util::reftype(), depending on which you're looking for.
: maybe use B::Showlex?
Symbol tables. TODO
: Oh god, this is a morass. Is there any quick and easy [2] ways to use them?