product_searches > for_kitchen
document updated 10 days ago, on Feb 10, 2025

a metal block below a pot

Why would you want to do this?

Some products you might consider:

There are two materials-science properties that are at play here:

material specific heat capacity
thermal conductivity
relative cost
copper 0.385 401 medium
silicon carbide 0.670 270
aluminum 0.90 236 at 0°C low
graphite 0.708 168
brass (30% Zn) 0.377 at 20°C 121
iron 0.442 70 at 25°C low
carbon steel (1% C) 0.502 43 low
stainless steel 0.50 18 low?

What size diffuser is good?

let's build this (Jan 2025)

Buy from this place, it seems like they'll charge a little less if there's enough cut-offs and scrap and such.

Connect all the sheets together using countersunk rivets. Ideally the top and bottom surfaces would be entirely flush, to make cleaning easier.