apps > tiktok
document updated 4 days ago, on Jan 11, 2025

after TikTok shuts down or is radically transformed in the US, on January 19, 2025

objective info

Some basic info on why it was banned or forced to sell:

my reaction

Move to other social media sites, especially those outside the hegemonic control of the U.S. or its allies. Media literacy demands that you get viewpoints from a variety of sources, even from sources that you usually don't trust.

Likely this would be social media that has a large-ish user base somewhere in the English-speaking world [2], but that isn't controlled by anyone with close ties to places like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, or the US. These places include: [compare to this political map]

People to follow elsewhere

Creators on TikTok who I find it really valuable to follow, no matter what social media they're on:

White folks: