games > pc > Natural_Selection
document updated 16 years ago, on Jun 22, 2007
Since I use alt for my AHK "scripting", I prefer to:
    unbind alt
    bind capslock +voicerecord

====== Soundboard ======

A guy who logs in as "The Governator" has some sort of really flexible soundboard setup, where it
seems like he can choose between ~50 different clips, and choose an appropriate response to everyday
conversation within ~3 seconds in the middle of the game, eg. quite fast.

My thought was that there's a variety of voice-chat methods, but many are probably somewhat
restrictive...  what if there was a way to have an external program, and connect a second
soundcard's output to the main soundcard's input?  And have a pop-up screen that would work in any
game, and allow a search much like Google Suggest:

Apparently connecting sound-out to microphone is as easy-as-pie, and requires nothing extra?

Voices possibly to use:
    James Earl Jones
    Lots of characters from the Simpsons
    Lots of characters from South Park

===== Searching the soundboard =====

Oooie, that might be a bit hard.  Granted, AHK is adept at GUI stuff, but still...



"Autocomplete" while showing multiple possible matches, aka "incremental search":

###################################################### IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS ######################################

Floating GUI window, that doesn't make HalfLife minimize...

This seems to work, for some reason:

Also, this example seems to work as well (but isn't necessarily optimal):
    #SingleInstance force

    ; Alt-F5 to show the GUI once I'm in a game
        SplashImage, C:\temp\splash.gif
        Sleep, 4000
        SplashImage, Off