games > pc > WoW > auction_broker
document updated 18 years ago, on Aug 8, 2005
Reasons why my auction scanner would be useful:

    - be able to see history across 24 hrs (to see nighttime variations) and 7 days (to see weekend variants)

        - view how price changes over time (cheaper on weekends, higher during weekdays.  cheaper during day, higher during night?)

        - view how supply changes over time (higher supply during weekend, vastly depleted supply sunday 4pm?)

    - be able to view recent history of auctions, in case prices are fairly rapidly changing

    - be able to display the "n-best items to invest my money in at the AH right now"

            (uhh...  check out the following auctioneer commands:

                /auctioneer percentless
                /auctioneer bidbroker
                /auctioneer compete

    - enable me to snipe, to some extent