games > pc > WoW > sniffing
document updated 18 years ago, on Jul 28, 2005
X make my fancy HTML javascript work in MSIE

X run a single-item-response search over and over, and compare the headers/footers, to see if
  there's anything more I can trigger on

- get my perl scanner semi-functional

- things I want my scanner for:

    - there are specific markets I'm interested in (and, more generally, specific price-ranges of
      items I'm interested in...  I want to invest as much money as possible, but not risk so much
      that I have a possibility of putting myself out of business for a while)

        - I would like it to automatically hilight certain things....  "you should buy this" or "you
          should sell this"

    - to be able to very quickly scan ALL items I'm interested in...  even things like half-stacks,
      and other things I might currently ignore

    - watch prices of certain items over a long historic time, to get a sense of the overall economy

        (for instance, prices of various tailoring cloths befudle and worry me)

- possible architectures

    - stored in an Access database, charts with Excel: