EE > microcontrollers > pic > projects > simple_Vss_input
document updated 18 years ago, on Apr 5, 2006

Filtering VehicleSpeedSensor input


So how do we do this?

PIC and such

Parallel Port

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Okay, random free-thinking crap mode now

My musing about RS232-transceiver hacking here:
Led me to thinking about even more optimizations.

Guess what?  RS232 receivers and speedometer wires share several significant properties:
	- designed to handle noise in an automotive/industrial environment
		(eg. circuit builds-in some hysteresis, inputs are designed to allow short voltage spikes, etc...)
	- designed to handle a variety of voltage ranges on the input
	- might even have electro-static and other such random niceties

And guess what?  Lots of RS232 transceivers include multiple receivers.  So I THINK we've just reduced this whole shebang literally down to 
only two chips.  Which could be done in SOIC if we really had the urge.  Note to self: you don't see this urge.  What urge?  NO URGE!

Okay, so searching for a RS232 transceiver with 2 receivers and 1 driver:
	SN7515.  1rec, 1drv.  Supples 4v at 10ma.  We need 2 receivers to compact things though.
	MAX201.  2rec, 2drv.  Supplies 3.5 - 5v at 1mA.  (suck)  2 external caps.
	SN75C1406.  As far as I can tell, this requires a separate 4-6v supply, so won't be as compact.

Okay, the 16F628 doesn't seem to have NEAR the amount of input filtering these things have.  So am I stuck with using a separate regulator, or doing software-debounce of the VSS?

	What I really need is the big-brother to SN7515.

Okay, either way, we have to have the external crystal and two caps for accurate timing, right?  So it's kind of pointless to try to minimize this so dang much.  We have no experience with this.