document updated 18 years ago, on Apr 5, 2006
This is the contents of OpenCore's CDROM of cool tools.
1. Designs (on cdrom 1)
1) 4stack : CPU
2) Alltel
3) Cornbread: IO board
4) cpcng board prject site
5) Crypto
6) DLX processor model
7) f-cpu design
8) Flapjack : IO board
9) FMF models and site
10) freecore : altera cores
11) free-ip designs and site
12) Free-risc8: CPU Project
13) gBios: GNU bios
14) Khatib site and free cores
15) LART Project
16) Leon-II: Sparc CPU
17) Linux in a Box project
18) mPGA: Meta FPGA project
19) msl16
20) OpenBT project
21) OpenCores designs and site
22) openUP: CPU
23) Piranha: CPU Project
24) risc8: CPU Project
25) Ronja
26) Sayuri : CPU
27) SOC board
28) te16: FPGA CPU
29) Traja: Java Processor
30) vhdlcohen: design files
31) Some VHDL cores
32) VHDL examples and tutorials
33) wireless
34) Wishbone SOC bus specifications
35) xr16vx: CPU
2. Tools (on cdrom 2)
== Analysis
1) altc (Arbitrary Tranmission Line Calculator)
2) kfilter : filter design tool
3) mpac (MicroStrip Patch Antenna Calculator)
4) ntesla: coil calculator
5) vipec: high frequency tool
== Design entry
1) bitgen: converting digital bitstreams to analog voltage sources
2) BoardStatus:
3) Brusey20: state diagram editor
4) chipmunk tools
5) circuitsimth:
6) dia: block diagrams and flow charts drawing tool
7) dtools: several scripting tools
8) edascript
9) edif-parser
10) Electric: compiler and simulator. full IC design system
11) Emacs modes: VHDL, Verilog ....
12) Gael:
13) GDSreader: GDS files reader
14) gEDA Tools: schematic and netlisting
15) Grdrv for protel
16) gtree
17) IDaSS
18) JARP petri net drawing tool
19) NGpaint: Drawing tool
20) pinout: script for drwing chip pins
21) sarlacc: Orcad to geda convertor
22) SimpleElib: electric library for use with XFig
23) spp: Perl wrapper for Synopsys' shells
24) tEDA
25) trtab: truth table generator
26) VGI: VHDL Graphical Interface
27) Voyeur: design veiwer
28) xcircuit: schematic drawing tool
== Factory tools
1) Programmers
a) Eep
b) spiprog
c) srecord
2) bdm: mpc850 BDM software and design
3) can controller tool
4) ColdFire: emulator
5) e_factory
6) emc: Enhanced Machine Controller
7) gbi Parallel port control
8) GPIB-Tcl: General purpose interface bus TCL extension
9) io: IO interfacing board software
10) JTAG utility
11) ppc
12) protoype
== Instruments
1) bsosc: Bitscope software
2) multimeter
3) oscope
4) scope
5) Kdmm: DMM
6) qtDMM : DMM
7) ODDAS: Open Source DAS software
== Layout
* IC
1) Magic: IC layout tool
2) p2m: Image to layout tool
* board
1) gerb2tif : gerper file to tiff convertor
2) gerbv : gerber file viewer
3) mucs
4) PCB layout tool
5) pcbca
6) punto
7) xelenECAD
8) xroadmaker
== Pic tools
1) xnitpic X Window Simulator for PIC
2) pic_cc PIC compiler
3) picprog PIC driver
4) asm_c84
5) gpasm
6) gpsim
7) npc
8) picasm
9) picdis
10) picsim
11) prog84-0.9
12) vc
13) Pp06: PP06 Programmer Software
== PLD
1) JBits-Interface
2) palstuff
3) Vpr PPR tool
4) xnf-tools
5) xstools: xess boards tools
6) ptgnlfsr
== Simulation
1) alice OpenVera tool
2) cynLib verification tool
3) danalyzer: Digital Logic Analyzer
4) DigiTcl: Digital simulator
5) dinotrace: viewing signal wave forms
6) gmos: Semiconductor simulator
7) gossip-sim: synchronous data flow simulation
8) gtkwave
9) gwave: wave form viewer
10) hadlop230 : simulation for digital optoelectronic
11) irsim: logic simulator for MOS
12) klogic
13) pcisim: PCI simulator
14) pns
15) polis
16) ptolemy: communication and DSP simulators
17) retro
18) s5: simulation of programnable logic controler
19) SIMsynch:
20) thud: RTL simulation environment
21) Timver: timing verify circuits against specifications
22) tkgate: event-driven simulator
23) Udl/I:Unified Design Language for Integrated Circuits
24) vstgl: Visual STG Lab
== Spice
1) Al's Circuit Simulator
2) autochar "Automatic cell characterization of digital circuits.
3) gSpice
4) hsview: Simulation viewer
5) macspice
6) ng-spice : Spice
7) oregano: schematic capture and simulation
8) spice3f5 : Spice
9) spicecad : schematic entry for the anlog simulator
10) Spice-perl scripts
11) spicepp spice scripts
12) spiceprm spice preprocessor
13) wave 2 hspice tool
== Synthesis
1) Alliance : VHDL compiler, simulator and synthesis tool
2) Boolean:
3) Espresso
5) Udl/I:Unified Design Language for Integrated Circuits
== Verilog
1) dinotrace
2) Gslondon
4) io Reading files from Verilog models
5) ivl
6) parser
7) pli_socket_example
8) smi
9) V2k parser, database, and elaborator.
10) VBS Verilog Behavioral Simulation
11) Vcd wave veiwer
12) ver Structural Verilog Compiler.
13) Verilog2C++ : verilog to C++ convertor
14) verilog 2 vhdl
15) Verilog Perl Package
16) Verilog-Pli
17) vex
18) vIDE Editor
19) vtrace
1) Alliance : compiler, simulator and synthesis tool
2) blowfish
3) vhd2vl: vhdl to verilog convertor
4) vhdl2html convertor
5) vhdl2verilog convertor
6) Fio package
7) freehdl :vhdl compiler
8) Gslondon
9) savant : vhdl simulator
10) vdt : vhdl compiler
11) VHDL++
12) VHDL-parser :
13) Some VHDL tools
14) Xfuzzy : vhdl tool for fuzzy system
4. Utilities (on cdrom 2)
1) Emacs : editor
2) Xemacs : editor
3) nEdit : editor
4) cgywin : GNU tools paltform for windows
5) WinCvs : CVS
6) Libraries needed by some tools
7) tcsh: OS shell (wiondows and Unix)
5. Documents (on cdrom 1)
2) VLSI lectures
3) CVS book