document updated 18 years ago, on Apr 5, 2006
Oops. These things are static sensitive.
- Confirm that the PIC on the Wisp628 is getting power.
- Buy a ground-strap and three-pronged plug, and ground both myself and my working surface. Probly set up a dedicated electronics desk in the computer room, at least for the time being.
- Is the Wisp628 LED 2-blink test for the PIC only, or for the whole thing? If possible, test the Wisp628 PIC chip outside the rest of the circuit. Possibly build my own smaller version on a breadboard, with just enough to be able to talk to the PC, and see that 1) it can communicate with the PC, and 2) it toggles the appropriate lines to reset, send the HVP pin to 13v, etc...
- Begin to understand the Wisp628 circuit. (even though I couldn't possibly design that circuit now, reading is easier than writing, so it shouldn't be stupendously difficult). Figure out what voltages should be present where and when. COnfirm that those voltages are there.
- Email "Wouter van Ooijen" <>