academics > economics > MMORPG
document updated 18 years ago, on Jul 29, 2005

Sources/Sinks in World of Warcraft

todo: generate a chart like this

Money Creation

    Mobs drop money

    Vendors buy EQ

Money Destruction

    Vendors sell EQ

    Auction deposits

    Auction taxes
    Repairing player EQ

EQ Creation

    Mob drops

    Disenchanting *

    Production Tradeskills *

    Gathering Tradeskills  (could be viewed as resource nodes being created)

    Buying from Vendor

EQ Destruction
    Soul-binding (it's removed from the EQ flow of trade.  EXCEPT for the case when it's disenchanted)

    Disenchanting *

    Production Tradeskills *

    Selling to Vendor

[*] Both destroys and creates.  Not immediately clear whether more creation or destruction happens