balls per urn: | unrestricted | ≤1 | ≥1 |
n labelled balls, m labelled urns | n-tuples of m things | n-permutations of m things | partitions of {1, ... , n} into ≤ m ordered parts |
n unlabelled balls, m labelled urns | n-multicombinations of m things | n-multicombinations of m things | n-combinations of m things |
n labelled balls, m unlabelled urns | partitions of {1, ... , n} into ≤ m parts | n pigeons in m holes | partitions of {1, ... , n} into m parts |
n unlabelled balls, m unlabelled urns | partitions of n into ≤ m parts | n pigeons in m holes | partitions of n into m parts |
Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming"