academics > religion > personal_beliefs
document updated 16 years ago, on Dec 30, 2008
I'm a pretty ardent atheist. While always hold out the possibility that there's a supernatural creator, it would take extraordinary evidence to be convincing.

I was raised in a Christian family, but one that was slightly more liberal than other American Christian families (i.e. there isn't a conflict between science and religion (science on the wholecertainly individual scientists can have conflict with religion); Day-Age/OEC are believed, especially to avoid the starlight problem and other things that directly contradict emperical evidence).

So that leaves me more sympathetic to Christian traditions than others. If I ever did go back to believing in some deity (not that I would), and that deity was a Christian one (not that it would be), my beliefs would be something along the lines of:

Ultimately though, I think epistemology is very important, and religion has one the weakest systems of epistemology around ("religious epistemology" is almost an oxymoron), so it's not suitable for most real-world tasks. That leaves the god of the gaps as the only possibility for me.