apps > +gender
document updated 13 years ago, on Jan 13, 2012
Is it inevitable that trans folks become the focus of the next culture war?

The term "culture war"

What do we mean by the term "culture war"? Although it's a squishy term, these are some of the traits I think the term encompasses:

I also think that the culture war is carried out by a relatively small number of people. Although the United States is rather polarized, I don't think there are that many pharmacists who are actually willing to stake their jobs over not dispensing morning-after pills, for instance. There might be a lot of people who are sympathetic to one side or another, but there aren't that many people who directly engage in activity that promotes a culture war.

Similarly, if an issue isn't on many people's radar, perhaps it's only fringe political commentators who engage in demagoguery over an issue, while mainstream policiticians completely avoid it.

Yes — other types of gender-related oppression are already part of the culture war

Gay rights are certainly part of the culture war. (gay marriage, don't ask don't tell, ...)

Regarding women's rights:
