document updated 15 years ago, on Feb 7, 2010
- genderqueer — this is the most accurate one for those within the community, but most outsiders think 'queer' can mean ONLY ONE THING (hint: you can be genderqueer and straight... hell, asexual people can be queer. Queer just means "non-heteronormative")
- androgynous — the easiest and least-loaded term for random strangers on the bus
- gender fluid
- gender gifted — hilarious... Aaron/Erin (sie won't tell how it's spelled) suggested this one as an alternative to "genderqueer" for neophytes
- ambigendrous — "ambidextrous" + "gender" — I like this one the most, as it takes real effort to be able to pass as both genders, and I really value gender fluidity