document updated 15 years ago, on Nov 30, 2009
- Looking at the income gender gap for transgendered people, comparing before and after their transition, MTF people made 32% less afterwards, while FTM people made 1.5% more. That is, all other things being equal, femininity hurts your paycheck, and masculinity helps it.
- In The Myth of Mars and Venus, Deborah Cameron shows comprehensive evidence that women do not talk more than men, rather the reverse is probably true. She surmises that the reason the "women talk more than men" stereotype exists despite evidence to the contrary is that society really means "women talk more than they should".
- The evidence supporting the assertion that "women gossip more than men" is similarly the opposite of generally held views. Gossip is very useful for disseminating information among peers in organizations, and men do this a lot. Again, she draws her own conclusions from the fact that reality and perceptions are at odds, suggesting that men realize that gossip is a source of power for women, and they fear it because it's one of the few things that gives women power.