document updated 15 years ago, on Aug 17, 2009
======== bring up at the next meeting ========
- TODO: write up a "tabling" proposal
- find local events we can attend
- what events does GAC attend?
- what's the cost associated with it? I need to pin this down, because if it's very
high, it'll have to be delayed
- the [[OtherRefurbishersRecyclers]] wiki page is populated, please contribute to it
- One thing I noticed is that everyone else does "tabling", that is, staffing a table at
local conferences/events, as a way to solicit donations. Perhaps we should do this?
(GAC, Portland, and PCRR do it...)
- ask my questions about motherboard testing
- "corporate espionage" is much easier to do since most of us are volunteer organizations
Would it be okay to volunteer for other organizations with the express purpose of
learning more about them?
======== eventually ========
- ask Taylor if he's opposed to finding a faster way to install Xubuntu, even if it means the
volunteers won't learn how to install it normally? (e.g. are options as radical as Ghosting
- ask Taylor if a PXE server would be useful, and if so, set one up