apps > FreeGeek > TODO
document updated 15 years ago, on Oct 18, 2009
- generate at least one LARGE sign, and leave enough documentation for others to re-generate it, after modifying it.  Signs we need:
        - "RESTRICTED", vertically, to be put right next to the inner sanctum
        - large one at top of stairs  (simply "FREE" "GEEK" "CHICAGO")
        - a "fold over" one to go over both sides of the open door
        - the sandwich board  (both sides)

- [wiki] record the information I found out about palletization

==== unable to do ====

- [wiki]  upload and attach my picture to

==== Done  (I think)  ====

- write down enough information so the other staff can understand my plans for sorting the adapters into a 2D grid  (and leave my micrometer in the inner sanctum)
    (columns = voltage,  rows = connector type + size)