apps > FreeGeek
document updated 14 years ago, on Feb 15, 2010

Windows Malware Removal

FreeGeek does not remove malware (eg. spyware, viruses, worms) from Windows computers. The only thing we can do is give you this sheet with some pointers on how to get started.

There are some free options. However, please NOTE that removing malware CAN BE RISKY. There is a real possibility that you could lose your one-of-a-kind photos, documents, and music. If you aren't confident about your skills, or you want to avoid any risk, it may be best to pay a computer service to remove the spyware for you.

Your options generally are:

Run an anti-malware tool yourself

Only use software written by well-known authors. There are unfortunately many "anti-malware" programs that simply install more malware.

All of these have free versions:

Reinstall Windows

If your computer has a particularly bad infection, this can often be the best solution.

If you don't have any photos/music/documents that you care about on your computer, this is probably the easiest thing to do.

If you do have photos/music/ducments that you care about, you have to be careful that you copy these files to another computer before you reinstall.

You also need to make sure you have an original Windows install CD (pictured), or a "recovery partition" built into your computer.

Pay a computer service to remove it

This is the least risky option, but it also costs money.

Avoid malware altogether

If you replace Windows with Linux, you won't have to deal with malware ever again. Also, FreeGeek would be happy to help you install Linux. (Sorry, we don't support Windows)