apps > FreeGeek > meeting_notes
document updated 14 years ago, on Oct 5, 2010
(did we really meet on the 28th?  I don't remember the exact date)

It's still not clear what sort of concrete output(s) we should try to generate before the retreat,
but possibilities include:

- A semi-comprehensive list of things that we could possibly spend money on, as a way to stimulate

- A first draft of a budget that can be published on the website.

- A budget that tries to analyze things just in terms of fixed vs. variable costs.

- What are FreeGeek's goals broadly, and what are their relative priorities?   (ie. how should we
  reinvest (growth) vs. spending for education goals vs. green/environment goals vs. subsidizing
  hardware .... )

    - Maybe it would be seen as a pointless exercise, but we could try to quantify how much we're
      "spending" (in terms of reduced income) by setting our prices below market rate.

- Historical spending data   (Dave is working on this)

- Lay the groundwork for the retreat, which will try to answer "what would our budget be if our
  annual income was $10k?  $100k?  $1million/"

- Estimate when we are likely to run out of physical space at our current location, when we would
  need to move (possibly different estimates for different rates of growth).

- The move will take some amount of preparation, both logistically and financially, and being
  proactive rather than reactive would be good.