apps > USB
document updated 16 years ago, on Apr 16, 2008

USB peripheral controllers for the PC

A USB host controller is the bit of hardware on a computer that allows it to act as the master in the master/slave relationship in USB communications.

A USB peripheral controller (or "device controller"), then, is the hardware that performs the USB slave communication. Usually these are integrated in/near microprocessors, and located inside very small devices like mice. However, full-fledged computers are sometimes able to communicate as a USB slave. This can be due to the fact that more and more peripherals are using embedded Linux/Windows, but just as often, it's because some USB device designers use a PC as an initial prototype.


Hardware (PC interface)

Hardware (chips)

While individual chips require extra effort and money to make them be able to effectively cooperate with a computer, it's still a fallback option to be aware of. (particularly if they ultimately make it clear that KVM designs should never have a massive PC wedged in the middle)