apps > android > documentation
document updated 1 year, 9 months ago, on Nov 28, 2022

documentation for Pomodoro Timer by AppFX

Minimalist apps are great, but sometimes this app takes minimalism too far and becomes downright confusing.

Places to click:

  1. Hamburger button in the top-right corner — Settings. Note that the hamburger button disappears whenever in the middle of a period. To get it back, long-press in the center of the circle.
  2. Short-press in the center of the circle — Pause/resume.
  3. Long-press in the center of the circle — End the current period and immediately move to the next period.
  4. Click on the "Pomodoro" / "Short break" / "Long break" text near the bottom — End the current period and immediately move to the next period. (becomes unclickable when in the middle of a period)
  5. Click on "reset" at the bottom — End the current period and immediately move to the next period. (only visible when in the middle of a period and paused)