document updated 16 years ago, on Mar 28, 2008
- when focus moves to another computer, ahk_class SynergyDesk takes the focus
- keyboard:
- use #Usehook so that hotkeys can work (though the keys still go through to the other side)
- `Send` and its ilk work just fine
- mouse:
- MouseMove works fine, but make sure you use "R" as the fourth parameter. Also note that the speed parameter somehow affects acceleration (but... sort of... opposite acceleration?), so a speed of 0 always moves the same distance, but a speed of 100 can cause the mouse to move MUCH further.
- reading the mouse position... MouseGetPos always returns the same coordinates. So I think the only way to get the relative movements is via SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL := 14, RegisterCallback("MouseMove", ...)