apps > autohotkey > small_bits
document updated 14 years ago, on Oct 23, 2009
; thanks to SKAN
FlashWindowEx( hWnd=0, Flags=0, TI=0, TO=0 ) {
    Static FW="0123456789ABCDEF01234" ; FLASHWINFO Structure
    ; UINT cbSize; HWND hwnd; DWORD dwFlags; UINT uCount; DWORD dwTimeout; } *PFLASHWINFO;
    NumPut(20,FW), NumPut(hWnd,FW,4), NumPut(Flags,FW,8), NumPut(TI,FW,12), NumPut(TO,FW,16)
    Return DllCall( "FlashWindowEx", UInt,&FW )

; note

FLASHW_ALL := 3        ; Flash both the window caption and taskbar button. This is
                       ; equivalent to setting FLASHW_CAPTION|FLASHW_TRAY flags.
FLASHW_CAPTION := 1    ; Flash the window caption.
FLASHW_STOP := 0       ; Stop flashing. The system restores the window to its orig. state.
FLASHW_TIMER := 4      ; Flash continuously, until the FLASHW_STOP flag is set.
FLASHW_TIMERNOFG := 12 ; Flash continuously until the window comes to foreground.
FLASHW_TRAY := 2       ; Flash the taskbar button.