apps > freescale_nxp
document updated 8 years ago, on Feb 5, 2017
FRDM-KL82Z reference In your projects, you'll want to point to the SDK. It's best to do this using non-hardcoded paths. Change the paths here, and have them use the variable ${PROJECT_KSDK_PATH} * set the value of $PROJECT_KSDK_PATH in two places: * Project properties > Resource > Linked resources > Path variables * Project properties > C/C++ Build > Environment * **header files** — Project properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols > Includes * **linker script file** — Project properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Linker > General * **library file** — Project properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Linker > Miscellaneous > Other objects * the above three, you'll need to do for **BOTH** release and debug mode ![path definition](img/path_definition.png) ![environment definition](img/env.png) $PROJECT_KSDK_PATH has to be set in two places. These are the only two places you use an absolute path.   ![linker](img/linker.png) Change the linker paths to use this variable.   ![includes](img/includes.png) Change the include paths to use this variable.