apps > git > HOWTO
document updated 12 years ago, on Mar 19, 2012

It is nice to make various fetch operations (`git fetch`, `git ls-remote -h origin master`) not require passwords/authentication, so that scripts are free to call them liberally. (but keep the passwords for anything that involves pushing things to the remote)

What ways are available to accomplish this?

use different URLs for push & fetch

This is possible only for repositories that are accessible in two different ways: 1) a read-only URL, and 2) a read/write URL.

git remote set-url <remote_name> <url>

Set the fetch URL to the read-only one.

git remote set-url --push <remote_name> <url>

Set the push URL to the read/write one.

For github, there are two types of read-only URLs available:

read-only read/write
(git protocol, port 9418)
(ssh protocol, port 22)

SSH agent

If you're using SSH to connect to the repository, you can setup an SSH key agent to remember the passphrase for you.