apps > git > dotfiles
document updated 12 years ago, on May 6, 2012
- modify the ~/.sudo_bashrc loader:

        - don't load .sudo_bashrc if $STDIN_OWNERS_HOME == $HOME

          That file should only be loaded if we're running "overseas".

- [.bashrc]      hide specific things from bash-history:
                            - clear
                            - ls anything

- get Awesome setup on my home computer, add Awesome config to the dotfiles

- get a drop-down vim-based scratchpad setup working in Awesome:

- set up Vim so it can use a better encryption method

    - also, when encyrption is being used, these should be set, so you don't accidentally write
      unencrypted copies elsewhere!!!
            set nobackup
            set noswapfile
            set nowritebackup
                    suggested autocmds:

- have .sudo_bashrc source ALL of ~/.bashrc -- this will require .bashrc to be tweaked so that ALL
  references to $HOME or to "~" are changed over

- is there any way to have these settings work across a 'sudo vim'?  (not 'sudo -i')

- convert $STDIN_OWNERS_HOME to $OHOME ("original home")
    - derive $OHOME from means that work even when a TTY isn't used  (eg. $SUDO_USER)
    - set $OHOME even during normal (non-sudo) logins
    - base almost everything on $OHOME instead of ~/,  so that the same code works, unmodified, everywhere

======== changes ========

- create separate public + work + private repos:

    - work repo
                - collapse all of my Thunderbird filters into one javascript one  (providing functions are allowed).
                  This has two benefits:
                        - I can check my filter into Git
                        - I can fix the *huge* DRY problems

    - private repo
                - github key in ~/.gitconfig
                - ~/.ssh/config

    - to accomplish this:
            - only overwrite symlinks when they point to OUR repo

            - write a wrapper script (perhaps "") that quickly scans ALL THREE dotfile
              repos, and reports if there is any problems with them:
                        - are any changes not checked in to git?
                        - are there any changes that were changed in, but not pushed to 'origin master'?
                        - are there changes in 'origin master' that haven't been downloaded/merged yet?
                        - are there any conflicts when running ./

- add the ability to go back and clean up dangling symlinks, for files that have moved.  Old files
  that are probably dangling on various machines:
            apps/ebuild/README.txt       (became
            bin/vimpager                 (moved to apps/bin/vimpager)

==== substitution system ====

    - In the event that a single .subst file would need to contain MULTIPLE sections (ie. becoming
      something more like the inputs to a web template file), then the tag syntax would be expanded

            <<%% substitute ~/dotfiles/ <section_name> %%>>