apps > mozilla
document updated 14 years ago, on May 7, 2010
============ usually =================

Extensions that I semi-frequently use

-- XUL/Migemo -- 
        Lets you do Ctrl+F using regular expressions.  Great for finding Reddit posts that occured X hours ago.

-- Greasemonkey --
        Useful for making lots of small tweaks to specific sites.

-- PrefBar --
        Lets me turn on/off proxies quickly when I go to work and come home.

        Be sure to Customize > select User Agent > edit item > add GoogleBot = one of the GoogleBot UAs
            - when in this mode, also turn off Referrer, Cookies, and Javascript:

-- Web Developer --
        Show all javascript, show all stylesheets, show anchors, show response headers, View
        Generated Source, etc etc...

-- LiveHTTPHeaders --
        Avoids having to run off to Ethereal(wireshark) so often.

-- Tab Kit --
        Allows you to have WAY more tabs by stacking them vertically.
                        (others that do this:  Tree Style Tab;  Vertigo)

============ extensions that seem OUTSTANDING, even if it's for specific infrequent niche uses =================

-- Firebug --
-- Chromebug --
        Allows you to view ALL KINDS of guts, AND edit it, in real-time.
        It's also THE Javascript IDE debugger.

-- YSlow --
        Very helpful in optimizing page download times.

============ extensions that are decent for specific niche uses =================

-- Chrome List --
-- SwitchProxy --
        Makes it relatively easy to switch what IP you're hitting a site from (especially useful for
        social bookmarking sites that track what IP you up-vote from)

        (google "switchproxy" with "" or "" for tips, and proxy lists
        to use)

-- Unplug --
        Makes downloading .flv videos from nearly ANY site a breeze.

-- Chickenfoot --
        Web-browser automation.

        CoScripter is a similar add-on:

-- Slogger --
        Creates a local log of all pages visited.

        However, it's not terribly actively maintained.  In particular, it has a bug when it loads
        background tabs.  There's a patch someone posted to the mailing list.  To use it, just
        install this version instead:

============ extensions I used to use a lot more =================

-- JSView --
        Lets you quickly view all javascript loaded by a page  (eg. helpful for Wikipedia...)

        Web Developer's > Information > View Javascript is a better alternative, since it shows ALL
        javascript on ONE page, making it much easier to search.

============ other similar lists =================