apps > oracle
document updated 10 years ago, on Aug 26, 2014
Oracle releases something called the "Oracle Instant Client" which is nice, in that it requires very little work by the sysadmin to install. [1] [2] [3] [4] Unfortunately, it does require users to do a little work to load it into their environment.


Generally, you will need to setup these environment variables:

$LIBPATH if you're on AIX, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH everywhere else
$TNS_ADMIN if your tnsnames.ora is located somewhere other than $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/
$PERL5LIB if you have Perl scripts that need to use DBD::Oracle
$PATH add "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/"

TODO: explain how I find the proper values of these

clear settings

To clear the Oracle settings from your environment (for instance, before you load some different settings), run: