apps > outlook
document updated 10 years ago, on Dec 10, 2014

Outlook > Rules and Alerts > Run a script

initial setup tutorials

[qlockwork] [microsoft] [microsoft] [] [slipstick]

ways to do logging-debugging

API reference


Object API

CDO [wikipedia] [summary] useful websites

how do I...?

user-facing column names ⇒ API properties

From item.ReceivedOnBehalfOfName
To item.To
Reply to item.ReplyRecipientNames
Subject item.Subject
Body item.ItemProperties("HTMLBody")
May be useful for displaying
extra data to the user
Mileage item.Mileage (free-form string)
Billing Information item.BillingInformation
BCC item.BCC
For messages that someone else sent to me, this should be by definition blank. So we can reappropriate it.
Company item.Companies

If you make changes to any fields, remember to call item.Save afterwards.

Property-related APIs: