apps > pumping_station_one > projects > rope_knot_class > class_1
document updated 11 years ago, on Apr 3, 2013
What are the high-level goals for this class?

    ***                                                                                          ***
    ***  - convince attendees that rope is a useful construction medium, generally               ***
    ***  - convince attendees that rope is a useful construction medium TO THEM                  ***
    ***  - walk attendees through the details of using rope as a construction medium             ***
    ***  - establish my reputation as a subject matter expert on rope [1]                        ***
    ***                                                                                          ***

            [1] not for egotistical reasons, but because there is FARRR too much material to cover
                in one (or a few) classes, and if people have questions, I encourage them to ask
                me one-on-one

- give an overview of rope as a mechanics/construction medium, and its CURRENT economic significance
        (sutures, truck tie-downs, lifting/rigging, clothing, etc)

- give a very brief overview of rope's HISTORICAL importance
        (rope in the age of sail, bow-making, slings, traps, etc)
        (making cordage is something survivalists know how to do; archaeological evidence indicates
         that humans have been making cordage for >= 28,000 years)

- demonstrate how people can use rope/knots in everyday life, how they can create ad-hoc solutions
  similar to duct tape

- have hands-on exercises, where people can practice tying knots