document updated 11 years ago, on Nov 30, 2013
This is a list of small projects that can be completed by an individual student during a class. The purpose of these small projects is:
- demonstrate the usefulness of knots
(after all, if knots aren't very useful, then why should they stick around and spend their valuable time in my class?)
- keep the class goal-directed, and focused on practical applications rather than theory
- allow the faster students to have something to spend some time working on, while I help out the slower students
Small projects
- tie something to the top of a car
Honestly, this is one few situations where only a knot will do (Or a ratchet strap. But still, it's unlike many situations where zip-ties or duct-tape are viable alternatives.).
- string up a clothesline
Objective: Make it very taut, to minimize sag when some clothes are placed on it. (clothes will be simulated by a small weight placed in the middle)
- suspend a bucket with handle from the ceiling
- suspend a hanging-plant via a "upside-down-tripod"
- hang a box fan from the ceiling
The fan would be suspended by three points on the ceiling, allowing the fan to be aimed laterally as well as vertically. (this positioning would be fixed, of course, but could be controlled when first attaching it)
- a pulley system for raising a bike to the ceiling, along with a fixture on the wall for securing it once it's raised
- use a rope as a belt
- (for bikers) tie your pantleg down
- tie a hammock between two trees