document updated 10 years ago, on Jul 14, 2014
The help page about the search feature is incomplete. Other info I've found about it:
random bits of info
- l2cs (converts Lucene syntax to Amazon CloudSearch syntax) — very little documentation here
- reddit sourcecode
personal findings
Extra things that seem to work from the Whoosh search syntax:
- field "fullname:". Examples:
- field "flair_text:". Examples:
- field "sr_id:". Example:
- sr_id:4606680 4606680 decimal is "2qqjc" in base36, and t5_2qqjc is the ID for /r/todayilearned
- field "timestamp:"
- single quotes
- single quotes, double quotes, and parens — they all work the same
Things that work in unexpected ways:
- double quotes — these don't search for a phrase like in Google; rather, double-quotes mean the same thing that parens do (see the discussion above about single quotes, double quotes, and parens)
Things that don't work from the Whoosh syntax:
- * and ?
- They act just like a space would.
- <ham*burger> matches: