apps > tit
document updated 12 years ago, on Apr 20, 2012
- a 'guest' login...  that username should be hard-coded to provide read-only privileges

- A more thorough INSTALL document.  In my mind, one of the big draws of a tool like this is how
  easy it is to install, because it has few/no dependencies. 

  A verbose INSTALL document goes against the minimalist ethic that's pervasive in the rest of
  the project, as well as the "you're a REAL programmer, you don't need any frills, you're rough and
  tumble, you should be able to install it yourself!"  Nonetheless, more *documentation* doesn't
  contribute to bloat, IMHO.

- it would be nice to see the latest-updated tickets from the main screen, in case people turn the
  email-notifications off
            (perhaps change the 'date' display on the front page to be the last-updated time instead
            of the initially-created time, and then add the ability to click on table headers to
            change the ORDER BY clause of the SQL query)

- a search feature!  Seriously.