The ISO was a custom one. You can either build one using AutoHotkey (particularly using ahk2exe). Or, you can use ActivePerl. Of course, I chose the latter.
Use wperl.exe from ActivePerl, so that no console window pops up.
[autorun] open=autohotkey.exe hello_world.ahk icon=autohotkey.exehello_world.ahk
MsgBox,Hello world!File listing of \
AutoHotKey.exe (from the AHK install) Autorun.inf hello_world.ahk mfc80.dll (from the AHK install) msvcp80.dll (from the AHK install) msvcr80.dll (from the AHK install)
Note: It has a built-in Portable Mode. (search the documentation PDF for "portable")
Also note: If you want it to index apps that are on the thumb drive, then: 1) whatever program autoruns, make sure it sets some environment variable to what the thumb drive's drive-letter is, 2) create a subfolder of the Launchy folder, called something like "menu\", 3) use the environment variable in shortcuts (shortcuts generally can't be relative, but CAN include env vars)