dev > oss > greasemonkey >
document updated 16 years ago, on Dec 10, 2007
Hilights the newest reddit stories.
I've used this script for a while, and I really like it because:

<li>it fixes the problem that the front page is too slow sometimes (when most Americans are asleep)
<li>it fixes the problem that you can browse upcoming stories less than an hour old, or a day old, but nothing in between
<li>if you leave a comment in an up-and-coming story, it gets read and modded by FAR more people than if you comment in an old story (yes, this is a bit selfish, since if everyone did this, conversations would die off much faster.  Nonetheless, it's something that this script makes much easier to do.)

Colors: Stories that are less than an hour old get hilighted the most, stories that are 1-2 hours old get hilighted less, and stories that are 3-5 hours old get hilighted the least.

<img src="">

See also:

<li><a href="">All other reddit Greasemonkey scripts on this site</a>